Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay about Farming The Tambopata Reserve - 1078 Words

Tambopata Peru is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions of Latin America. The area is home to undernourished children, lack of secure work and education. There is an imperative need not just for Tambopata, but all of Peru to increase its economy and enable the access of basic needs to its citizens. While the area of Tambopata has many arguments for its potential use, sustainable soybean cultivation is the best approach to improve Peruvian infrastructure, economy and future preservation of natural areas. There are many potential land uses for the Tambopata Reserve. One of which, that gains much environmentalist backing, is slash and burn agriculture. While this method of agriculture has long traditionally been employed and†¦show more content†¦In the same study, 3.3 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions will be lessened by 2020 through sustainable soybean production. These methods allow for a reduction in overall costs due to decreased overhead in both machinery and herbicide applications (Green, 2010). Perhaps the greatest benefit of using conservation tillage soybean production over other potential land uses is the consecutive insurance of high yields in small areas. Due to these high yields per hectare, more land can be saved for the Tambopata Reserve and its inhabitants. Additionally, if soybeans that were raised within the reserve were taxed, money can come back into the park to aid in its prosperity and protection of the local soybean market. Many guidelines have been implemented in neighboring Brazil and Paraguay to ensure both economic growth and rainforest protection that could be implemented in Tambopata. If soybean production were undertaken in Tambopata, the crops would be raised under World Wildlife Federation and the Nature Conservancy’s guidelines of â€Å"Forest Friendly Soy† (Schnoecker, 2007). This means that at least eighty percent of farmers land must be preserved as forest to make up for the twenty percent farmed. The World Wildlife Federation recently awarded Paraguay with the â€Å"Leaders for a Living Planet† award in recognition of their â€Å"Zero Deforestation Law,† which prohibits the conversion of forested to agricultural

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Prostate Cancer The Most Common Types Of Cancer

Introduction Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. According to the American Cancer Society, â€Å"there are nearly 3 million prostate cancer survivors in the United States today and this number is expected to increase to almost 4.2 million by 2024. Most prostate cancers (93%) are diagnosed at the local or regional stage, before the cancer has spread to surrounding organs. Treatment at these early stages is often very successful, and the 5-year relative survival rate approaches 100%.† (After Prostate Cancer Treatment, 2014). Cancer usually grows slowly and remains confined to the prostate gland initially, where it may not cause serious harm. While some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly. It s not clear what causes prostate cancer. Doctors know that prostate cancer begins when some cells in your prostate become abnormal. Mutations in the abnormal cells DNA cause the cells to grow and divide more rapidly than normal cells do. The abnorma l cells continue living, when other cells would die. The accumulating abnormal cells form a tumor that can grow to invade nearby tissue. Some abnormal cells can break off and metastasize to other parts of the body. (Prostate Cancer, 2013). The Prostate Gland The prostate gland is a chestnut-shaped reproductive organ located directly beneath the bladder in a male. The prostate produces secretions that are added to the spermShow MoreRelatedProstate Cancer : The Second Most Common Type Of Cancer1510 Words   |  7 PagesProstate cancer is the second most common type of cancer diagnosed in men around the world today. Despite years of research, little is known as to the exact cause of prostate cancer, making it an area of intense research in medicine today. The pathology of prostate cancer has yielded important information on prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods. It has been understood that diet has much to do with tumour growth, and new research into nutrition is revealing new strategies in prostate cancerRead MoreRenal Cell Carcinoma Of The Kidney Cancer Essay1470 Words   |  6 PagesThe most common genitourinary cancers include, renal cell carcinoma of the kidney, transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, and adenocarcinoma o f the prostate. 1- Renal cell carcinoma, is the most common cancer of the kidney, accounts for approximately 90% of all renal malignancies. About 65,000 cases of renal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year in the U.S. Despite advances in diagnosis, especially improved imaging techniques and the incidental diagnosis of many tumors with imaging tests forRead MoreProstate Cancer Informative speech Essay example767 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is the Prostate? The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, which makes and stores a fluid that nourishes sperm. The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut, and surrounds the upper part of the urethra, the tube that empties urine from the bladder. If the prostate gland grows too large, the flow of urine can be slowed or stopped. Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States (other than skin cancer), and accounts for moreRead MoreProstate Gland And Where It s Located1352 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is the prostate gland and where it’s located The prostate gland is about the size of a whole-nut in most men, it consists of 70% glandular tissue and 30% muscular tissue [2]. [Figure 1] shows that the prostate sits at the bottom of the pelvis right under the bladder, the floor of the bladder is basically the top of the prostate (it adheres firmly to the base of the bladder). The rectum wraps around the back of the prostate so the front wall of the rectum is lying over the prostate itself. TheRead MoreProstate Cancer : The Diagnosis Process, And Possible Treatment Options For The Disease1714 Words   |  7 Pagescarcinoma, or prostate cancer, in their lifetime (American Cancer Society, 2015). This scary statistic proves just how serious prostate cancer is. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 180,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the United States. Of the 180,000, 32,000 result in death from the disease each year (American Cancer Society, 2015). This paper will explore what prostate cancer is, the diagnosis process, and possible treatment options for the disease. Cancer of theRead MoreRenal Cell Carcinoma Of The Kidney Essay1091 Words   |  5 PagesThe most common genitourinary cancers are, renal cell carcinoma of the kidney, transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, and adenocarcinoma of the prostat. 1- Renal cell carcinoma, the most common cancer of the kidney, accounts for approximately 90% of all renal malignancies. About 65,000 cases of renal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year in the U.S. Despite advances in diagnosis, especially improved imaging techniques and the incidental diagnosis of many tumors with imaging tests for unrelatedRead MoreA Short Note On Melanoma And Prostate Cancer1246 Words   |  5 PagesSicsic Fall 2014 Carcinoma of the prostate, commonly known as prostate cancer, is a diagnosis of a malignant tumor (adenocarcinoma) of the prostate gland (Chabner). The prostate is a significant muscular organ that belongs to the male reproductive system. Approximately the size of a walnut, the prostate is located at the base of the bladder and in front of the rectum (Prostate Gland). In conjunction to the seminal vesicles and the Cowper s glands, the prostate secretes fluids that contain spermRead MoreCancer : A Type Of Disease1203 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Paper: Cancer Cancer, is a type of disease that involves abnormal cell growth and has the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous, there is one type that is not cancerous; benign tumors (which do not spread to other parts of the body). Possible signs and symptoms include: a distinct lump, a lengthened cough, irregular bleeding, unexplained weight loss, a difference in bowel movements, and many others. While these symptoms may cause cancer, they mayRead MoreDisease And Conditions : Prostate Cancer Causes1727 Words   |  7 PagesThe prostate is a miniature gland that encloses the urethra under the bladder. This organ consists of a combination of tubular and alveolar glands found within smooth muscle and dense connective tissue. During sexual activity, more specifically, ejaculation, the prostate contracts and releases a fluid that plays a crucial role in activating males’ sperm, producing semen. The prostate is also important because it houses citrate, a source of nutrients for one’s body, enzymes, and cells that produceRead MoreThe Common Types Of Disease1744 Words   |  7 Pagesold man presented to the GP with an increased tenderness of the pubic region Discuss the common types of disease that may be causing these symptoms and suggest a likely diagnosis for this patient The patient is a 62 year old male who presented to the GP with an increased tenderness of the pubic region, his systems also included increased frequency of urination. His blood profiles were normal except for prostate specific antigen (PSA) level of 10ng/ml, which significantly above normal for a man of 62

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Uma Sekaran’s Chapter 2 Review Free Essays

The chapter 2 of Research Methods of Business by Uma Sekaran speaks of scientific investigation detailing on the eight hallmarks of science and the limitations of scientific research in management along with the hypothetico-deductive method of research. The hallmarks or main distinguishing characteristics of scientific research can be the following 1. Purposiveness: The research should have a purposive focus i. We will write a custom essay sample on Uma Sekaran’s Chapter 2 Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now e. some definite purpose will be served after the research 2. Rigor: Rigor means carefulness, scrupulousness and the degree of exactitude in research investigations good theoretical base and a sound methodological design will add rigor to a purposive study. 3. Testability: if a certain hypothesis gets developed through unstructured interview or library search, then the hypothesis can be tested by applying certain statistical tests to the data collected for the purpose.. 4. Replicability: The results of the test of hypotheses should be supported again and again when same type of research is repeated in other similar circumstances. The researchers will gain confidence in the scientific nature of the research. 5. Precision and confidence: Precision refers to closeness of the findings to â€Å"reality† based on a sample. It reflects the degree of accuracy or exactitude of the results on the basis of the sample to what it really exists in the universe. Confidence refers to the probability that the estimations are correct. 6. Objectivity: The conclusions drawn through the interpretation of the results of data analysis should be objective i. e. they should be based on facts of the findings of the actual data. The more objective the interpretation of data , the more scientific the research investigation becomes. 7. Generalizability: This refers to the scope of applicability of the research findings in one organizational setting to other settings. The wider the range of applicability of the solutions generated by research, the ore useful the research is to the users. 8. Parsimony: Simplicity in explaining the phenomenon or the problem that occur and in generating solutions for the problems is always preferred to complex research frameworks. In the management and behavioral areas , it is not possible to conduct investigations that are 100% scientific because of measurement and collection of data in the subjective areas like feelings, emotions, attitudes and perceptions. These problems occur whenever one tries to quantify human behavior. Thus , the eight hallmarks of science cannot be achieved in full . The deduction and induction processes are explained as follows Deduction: it is the process of arriving at a reasoned conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact. Induction is the process where a certain phenomenon is observed and then a conclusion is arrived at. The seven step processes in hypothetico-deductive method are 1. Observation: It is the very first stage in which one senses that certain changes are occurring or some new behaviors , attitudes and feelings are surfacing. When the observed phenomenon are seen to have potentially important consequences , then one will proceed to preliminary information gathering. 2. Preliminary information gathering: Preliminary information gathering involves seeking of information in depth of what is observed. Through interviews and library search , the mass of information can be gathered. . Theory formulation: It is a step which attempts to integrate all information in a logical manner so that the factors responsible for the problem can be conceptualized and tested. The theoretical framework formulated is often guided by experience and intuition. Here the critical variables are examined as to their contribution or influence in explaining why the problem occurs and how it can be solved. 4. Hypothesizi ng: From the theorized network of associations among the variables, certain testable hypotheses or educated conjectures can be generated. The hypothesis thus generated is tested to determine of the statement is supported. 5. Further scientific data collection- After the development of the hypothesis, data with respect to each variable in the hypothesis need to be obtained. 6. Data analysis- The data gathered are statistically analyzed to see if the hypotheses that were generated have been supported. 7. Deduction – It is a process of arriving at conclusions by interpreting the meaning of the results of the data analysis. How to cite Uma Sekaran’s Chapter 2 Review, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Culture Awareness Essay Example For Students

Culture Awareness Essay I was planning to take a leisurely trip this summer, but now I thinkIll have to change my plans. Instead Ill probably have to take a crashcourse in Sensitivity for the Culturally Unaware. Maybe its because I grewup in Chicago, perhaps the most culturally diverse city in the country. Maybe its because I have a mulatto niece and nephew. Maybe its because mycousins last name is now Hernandez. Maybe its because my wifes cousinis a Native American. Or maybe its because we Poles have borne the bruntof more jokes than any other ethnic group, but all this time I thought Iwas aware of other cultures and the feelings of members of other ethnicgroups and minorities. Now I guess Im not. At least my union newsletter,the BEA_Messenger, says Im not in an article on multicultural awareness. Ifor one take pride in our nations history in regard to minorities. Minority groups founded this nation. The religious groups who felt thepressure of persecution in their homelands came here to begin new lives,and eventually a new nation. The ethnic groups that came in a great floodof immigrants came to escape the economic oppression of their homelands. Those groups, too, found a way to become part of the American experience. They didnt need, nor did they demand, any laws requiring acceptance intosociety. Kindness, tolerance and respect are things that can only beearned, not handed down by legislative decree. Those things mandated by lawnever reach into the fiber of our country. They never take root in ourpsyches. In fact, as we have too often seen, legislative decrees thatmandate how we should act or feel lead to only more dissension anddivisiveness. Great strides have been taken on the road to equality. Despite claims to the contrary, women have more opportunity now to succeedthan ever before. Today, fifty percent of law school graduates are female. Where twenty years ago perhaps 5000 women were industrial engineers, todaythat profession consists of 175000 females. Blacks, too, have made greatstrides. They are now mayors, governors, and judges. They hold positionsof authority in almost every segment of our country. We as a nation by andlarge have indeed accepted minorities into the fold of this culture,particularly when those minorities have done much to earn our respect. TheFebruary 21, 1992, issue of the Messenger, however, suggests that I am notmulticulturally aware enough. It suggests that things I say or feel may betaken as derogatory. It smacks of a political correctness and BigBrotherhood, which, if we honestly appraise it, does more to hinder ourFirst Amendment rights than any oppressive behavior of the past. I ammulticulturally aware enough already without having my union trying toconvince me that I am not. I am particularly upset by the implication thatremarks I may or may not make are derogatory and multiculturally un aware. Ithink, and believe, that people should be treated equally. I also believethat much of what is deemed to be multiculturally aware is just plainsilly. And some of the things in the Messenger article point to this. Itis true that few of usthink that women are the weaker sex. It isequally true that most of realize that, unless her name is Bertha orBeulah, few women can bench press the same weight as men, or hit a golfball as far as Jack Nicklaus. Admittedly, many attractive women have thephysical capabilities of the ancient Amazons, but they usually go by thename of Blaze or Dementia and appear regularly on American_Gladiatorsor Roller_Derby. Yes, I do become impatient with elderly people who drivemore slowly than I do. But, its not because they are elderly. Itsbecause I dont want to wreck the front end of my car by running into backend of a car that is going 35 mph on an interstate highway. After drunkdriving, the majority of auto accidents are caused by drivers going underthe posted speed limits. I do not, however, become impatient with elderlypeople who stow their change before moving from the check-out counter.Theyre not stowing their change. The experience of their years has taughtthem that half the cashiers in the country dont know how to make change,and theyre just making sure they dont get gypped. I now have to suspectthe wisdom of saying certain things, according to the Messenger. Saying ofmy son, Hes all boy, is wrong now. So, too, is saying that he and hisfriends are acting like a bunch of savages. So I cant tell them to sitIndian style for a while and behave themselves. I dont understand thisat all. I certainly dont want an hermaphrodite for a son. But if he was,I still wouldnt want him acting like a savage when we are supposedlycivilized. As for the act of sitting on the floor cross-legged, which isnot to be confused with the sitting position of meditation known as theLotus position, I can think of no other way to say it other than Indianstyle . By the time I got, sit on the floor cross-legged, etc. out ofmy mouth, my son and his friends would turn into all boys again and startrunning around like savages. The Messenger asks if I feel that a boy whoplays with dolls is less masculine. Boys have always played with toysoldiers. Todays G.I. Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figuresare still dolls by any other name. When they start playing Lets dresslike Barbie, though, I think its time to worry. Im not willing to havemy son put on a dress at an early age just to see if he turns out likeErnest Hemingway. I must admit that at times I must remind him to stopbeing all boy and that his sister is not a member of the evil Cobra Forceor Foot Clan. Next, the Messenger asks if I feel that eating a pig is moreacceptable than eating a dog. As I am neither Jewish nor vegetarian, inwhich case I would really be upset by the question, I will pretty much eatanything on the plate as long as it isnt still moving. Any Pole who canslurp d own a bowl of czardnina (duck blood soup to those of you who areculturally unaware) ought to be able to handle a portion or two of Roverala Carte. I am wondering, though, how this eating of dogs fits into theagenda of the animal rights activists. Are they planning to travel toEastern countries and tell them to stop eating dogs and start chewing downa few brats and beer instead just to keep the pigs represented equally onthe worlds dinner table? In perhaps a final attempt to make its point, theMessenger asks how I would feel if a black family bought the house nextdoor. Given that my brother-in-law was black, I supposed I should be theone who is insulted by this question. Its just as silly as the otherpoints made in the article. Nobody in their right mind wants anybodyliving next door to them. All of us would probably prefer that our nearestneighbors were forty miles away and the only way they could contact us wasby dog sled. Since we cant have that ideal, we settle for anybody who ca nkill dandelions and cuts their grass on a regular basis. We would alsorequire that they keep their dog from pooping in our yard. We would likethem to do the same things with their kids, not have a lot of large, loudparties, and not have the cops pull up in front of their house every othernight. Most of us have never given much thought to the question, but whenwe do, we decide we dont give a hoot. I dont presume to know about othercultures. My perceptions of other cultures can only be based onexperience. That is why I plan on attending that Summer Camp for theCulturally Unaware. I do have one condition to place upon my attendance atthis camp. Whoever is running the camp, perhaps even the person who wrotethe Messenger piece. has to attend a camp that I am starting down the roadfrom them. Its called Summer Camp for the Multiculturally Without a Clue. .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 , .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .postImageUrl , .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 , .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:hover , .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:visited , .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:active { border:0!important; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:active , .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1 .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3a79ad85538b2465d431a9712a951aa1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Theft EssayEvery night we have czardnina and hot dogs for supper. Then we sit Indianstyle around a campfire. Boys and girls are welcome regardless of race,religion or creed.