Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Question Behind the Question free essay sample

QBQ BY john G. Miller IQ- Incorrect questions These are the questions that often pop into our minds first and tend to be negative. They point fingers and are not helpful in resolving problems. Who dropped the ball? Why didnt they take core of that? QBQ- Better, more accountable questions. These are the questions that are often behind the IQs. You may have to really think to get these questions to the fore front of your mind. What can I do to make sure you can get that done next time? How can I support the team better? how can I adapt better? How can I better understand the situation? What solution can I provide? What can I do to get more information to make a better decision? QBQs should begin with what or how. They should contain l. They should also focus on action. When we are in the middle of a situation, we need to not be a victim. We will write a custom essay sample on Question Behind the Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Things are always going to happen at work and in our personal lives. If we allow ourselves to become victims then we wont be able to come up with good solutions. Stress is a choice, contrary to popular belief. Stress is a result of our actions. we can choose how we react to the things going on around us. We can to choose to be positive and make decisions to make the situation better or choose to let the situation take control and stress us out. When questions lead to procrastination on the individuals part. When we are waiting on someone else to do something, we are then becoming inactive ourselves. Along with this who questions lead to blame. We must first ask the questions about what we should have done to make the who go away. People are always talking about succeeding outside the box Lets work on succeeding inside the box! Lets not focus on having more people, more money or more time. How about hitting target and goals with what we have and making the most of the situation. Another syndrome is the we/they syndrome. This is where groups, departments, regions, stores or different day parts point the fingers about their issues at other people instead of taking the accountability themselves. There are always barriers out of our control must work to become so good that we can overcome those barriers. Ownership- A commitment of the head, heart and the hands to fix the problem and never affix blame! Each person on a team is different. A great team will learn to identify the strengths of each person, capitalize on them and appreciate them. Personal accountability begins with ME! Leading by example- Being what I am by acting according to my word. Believe or leave- If you are not on the boat with your whole hear t, maybe you should not be on the boat. QBQ Serenity Prayer- God grant me the serenity to accept the people that I can not change, the courage to change the one that I can and the wisdom to know i ME! *Action, even when it leads to mistakes, brings learning and gr inaction brings stagnation and atrophy. *Action leads towards solutions. Inaction holds us in the past. *Action builds confidence; inaction doubt. Humility in the cornerstone of leadership. As a leader, Im here to help the individuals on my team reach their goals and full potential. How can I help YOU?

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